Publications 2020


Publicactions 2018-2019

Publicactions 2016-2017


Improving the autonomy of islanded microgrids through frequency regulation. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTRICAL POWER & ENERGY SYSTEMS
Yuri Reis Rodrigues; M. R. Monteiro; Morad Abdelaziz; Liwei Wang; Antonio Zambroni de Souza; Paulo F. Ribeiro.
1, p. 1, 2020.

Allocation and sizing of single tuned passive filters in three-phase distribution systems for power quality improvement. ELECTRIC POWER SYSTEMS RESEARCH
Igor D. Melo; José L.R. Pereira; Abílio M. Variz; Paulo F. Ribeiro.
180, p. 106128, 2020.

Robust Energy Management and Economic Analysis of Microgrids Considering Different Battery Characteristics. IEEE ACCESS
Mostafa H.Mostafa; Shady H. E. Abdel Alem; Samia G. Ali; Almoataz Y. Abdelaziz; Paulo F. Ribeiro; Ziad M. Ali.
1, p. 1-1, 2020.

Hosting Capacity for Smart Power Grids. SPRINGER INT.
AF Zobaa, SHEA Aleem, SM Ismael, PF Ribeiro

Comparative analysis of the measurement methods for the supraharmonic range. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTRICAL POWER & ENERGY SYSTEMS
TM Mendes, CA Duque, LRM da Silva, DD Ferreira, J Meyer, PF Ribeiro
118, 105801

Real-Time Voltage Sag Detection and Classification for Power Quality Diagnostics. MEASUREMENT
EA Nagata, DD Ferreira, MHJ Bollen, BHG Barbosa, EG Ribeiro, CA Duque, PF Ribeiro

A Procedure for Aggregation of Quasi-Static Time-Varying Harmonic Components: A Matlab-Simulink Model. ICHQP
R Lamedica, S Sangiovanni, A Ruvio, PF Ribeiro
2020 19th International Conference on Harmonics and Quality of Power (ICHQP)
PM Almeida, A Ribeiro, I Souza, M Fernandes, G Fogli, V Cuk, PG Barbosa, PF Ribeiro
IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Industrial Electronics
Modeling and simulation of active electrical distribution systems using the OpenDSS. ELSEVIER ACADEMIC PRESS
LCR Junior, FL Vieira, BD Bonatto, ACZ de Souza, PF Ribeiro
Decision Making Applications in Modern Power Systems, 121-152
Particle swarm optimization applied to reactive power dispatch considering renewable generation. ELSEVIER ACADEMIC PRESS
MR Monteiro, YR Rodrigues, ACZ de Souza, PF Ribeiro
Decision Making Applications in Modern Power Systems, 247-267
Effects of electrical infrastructures in grid with high penetration of renewable sources. ELSEVIER ACADEMIC PRESS
YR Rodrigues, ACZ de Souza, PF Ribeiro
Decision Making Applications in Modern Power Systems, 201-222
Microgrids: Operation and Control Methods. SPRINGER 
F de Andrade, M Castilla, BD Bonatto
Basic Tutorial on Simulation of Microgrids Control Using MATLAB® & Simulink
Case Studies: Modelling and Simulation. SPRINGER 
F de Andrade, M Castilla, BD Bonatto
Basic Tutorial on Simulation of Microgrids Control Using MATLAB® & Simulink
Evaluating Public Policies for Fair Social Tariffs of Electricity in Brazil by Using an Economic Market Model. ENERGIES
LSB Maciel, BD Bonatto, H Arango, LG Arango
13 (18), 4811
Basic Tutorial on Simulation of Microgrids Control Using MATLAB® & Simulink® Software. SPRINGER NATURE 
F De Andrade, M Castilla, BD Bonatto

Aggregated Economic Analysis of the Brazilian Electricity Distribution Companies Using a Regulated Market Economic Model. JOURNAL OF CONTROL, AUTOMATION AND ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS
C Cortez, BD Bonatto, H Arango, M Castilla
31 (3), 693-704
Effects of different generator reactive power limits representation on load margins. INTERNATIONAL TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRICAL ENERGY SYSTEMS
G Alvarenga, MSC Santos, RS Moura, AC Zambroni de Souza, FW Mohn
30 (2), e12208
Centralised secondary control for islanded microgrids. IET RENEWABLE POWER GENERATION
BN Nascimento, ACZ de Souza, D Marujo, JE Sarmiento, CA Alvez, FM Portelinha Jr, JGC Costa

Network partitioning in coherent areas of static voltage stability applied to security region enhancement. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTRICAL POWER & ENERGY SYSTEMS
MR Monteiro, GF Alvarenga, YR Rodrigues, ACZ de Souza, BIL Lopes, MC Passaro, M Abdelaziz
117, 105623
Intelligent RMPS Allocation for Microgrids Support During Scheduled Islanded Operation. IEEE ACCESS
JR Monteiro, YR Rodrigues, MAR Monteiro, ACZ De Souza, BIL Fuly
IEEE Access 8, 117946-117960
New technique for area-based voltage stability support using flexible resources. ELECTRIC POWER SYSTEMS RESEARCH
MR Monteiro, YR Rodrigues, M Abdelaziz, ACZ de Souza, L Wang
EPSR 186, 106384
A Methodology Proposal for Calculation of Hosting Capacity Including Different Power Quality Phenomena. SPRINGER 
TEC de Oliveira, PF Ribeiro
Hosting Capacity for Smart Power Grids, 35-45
An Overview of Hosting Capacity for Modern Power Grids. SPRINGER 
TEC de Oliveira, PF Ribeiro, AF Zobaa, SHEA Aleem, SM Ismael.
Hosting Capacity for Smart Power Grids, 1-9
Modeling and processing of smart grids big data: study case of a university research building. ELSEVIER ACADEMIC PRESS
LO Prado Jr, PF Ribeiro, CA Duque, SHEA Aleem
Decision Making Applications in Modern Power Systems, 507-538

Publicactions 2018-2019

Publicactions 2016-2017